As a registered counselling psychologist I am available for adult individual therapy and couples counselling.
My therapeutic fields of interest include:
- Anxiety/ Stress
- Phobia's
- Depression
- Trauma/ PTSD
- Bereavement/ Grief
- Couples Counselling
- Disability counselling (physical disability, injury, chronic illness)
- Mental health assessment
My consultation fees are in accordance with medical aid rates. My cash rate is R1000 per consultation.

Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT)
BWRT is a brief therapy designed to target the feelings/emotions associated to a memory. This therapy is thus brief in nature, but can be very pwerful. Thus far BWRT has proven to be a very succesful and impactful therapy. For more information, you can visit the, Institute of Brainworking Recursive Therapy
Couples Counselling
It can at times be difficut for couples to maintain a healthy and loving relationship. If problems in a relationship are avoided, further complications can cripple the relationship or even lead to seperation of the partners.
Most of the time couples can overcome difficulties in the relationship. However some problems can become so dysfunctional that professional help is needed. In couples counselling I provide a non-bias space in which both parties are allowed to share their feelings openly and honestly, without fear of reprisal.

Trauma debriefing
As a psychologist working for SAPS I witnessed first hand the devastating effect of trauma and the impact it has on the individual and their loved ones. If left untreated the effect of trauma besomes entrenched and could effect the person's functioning and ability to maintianing healthy relationships with others. Traumatized individuals who do not seek help, could start to self-medicate (alcohol, drugs, etc.) increasing their dysfunction.
Trauma and its effects on an individual are often misunderstood and leaves the victim feeling confused, frustrated and isolated. I therefore provide a saafe and caring therapeutic environment, in order to establish trust. I use cognitive techniques/therapy, in order to disassociated the dysfunctional emotions from the traumatic event (memories).

Disability Counselling
As a person with a disability, I have always had a interest in disability matters and counselling others with disability. No two persons with a similar disability has the same experience of their disability. It is thererfore importamt to treat each person with a disability as a unique individual and suspend any assumptions.
As mentioned I try not to have my own life experience influence my perspective on my clients with disability. Having said that however, I do feel that I share similar experiences with other disabled individuals when it comes do struggles people with disability face. In SA people with disability not only face physical struggles/barriers but also social barriers such as ignorance, ostracizing, marginalization, etc. It is often these social barriers that causes psychological issues (depression, anxiety, etc.) in people with disability.

Mental health assessment
The purpose of a Mental Health Assessment (MHA) is to determine if an individual is sound of mind, in other words mentally healthy or if there is a diagnosable condition present, for example: depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.
MHA`s are conducted in situations in which the mental health of the individual needs to be determined. Such situations could include:
- Legal matters/disputes
- Court cases
- An adoption process
- Workplace competency/fitness
- Injury on duty (IOD) in which the employee experienced trauma whilst on duty
The assessment processis as follows:
- The person completes several assessments/tests, duration 1 - 2 hours
- An interview is conducted with the person, duration 1 hour
- The results of the assesment is evaluated and a report is drawn up
- The report is sent to the person or authority that requesteed the report
If you have any questions regarding MHA`s or if you find yourself in a situation that could require a MHA, please feel free to contact me.